The Creek War and the War of 1812
Prospect Bluff

Prospect Bluff, a gathering spot for Native Americans located near a
British-run trading house, was the site at which British agents supplied
allied Redsticks and black fugitives for their operations along the Gulf
Coast. The British eventually built a fort on the site, which, following their
evacuation from the area, was occupied by hundreds of black refugees
and soon became known as the “Negro Fort.” The outpost proved to be
an embarrassment for Spanish and American authorities, and was
destroyed in July 1816 by U.S. forces.
The site of the “Negro Fort,” now known as Fort Gadsden Historic Site in
honor of a later fort built on the site, is located in Franklin County, Florida,
along the Apalachicola River just off of Highway 65. The site features a
walking tour and exhibits that detail the history of the area.